Enhance your website’s homepage with featured content blocks, each offering a unique layout and style. Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Featured Blocks
to access these options.
Featured Blocks:
- Block Title: Add your own title or leave it empty to hide the title of the featured block.
- Select Article Category: Choose a category from the dropdown menu to display posts from the selected category within the featured block.
- Choose Block Style: Select from eight different styles to customize the appearance of the featured block.
- Enable Gradients?: Toggle this switch button to add a gradient color overlay to the block. When enabled, a gradient color will be applied for blocks with overlay style. If disabled, the default overlay will be shown.

Note: Featured blocks are only displayed on the homepage of your website.
With these customization options, you can create visually appealing featured content blocks that showcase your website’s most important content. Experiment with different layouts and styles to highlight your posts in the most engaging way! If you need any assistance, feel free to reach out for support.